Sunderland Tai Chi
Monday evenings
Kung fu / Feng Shou 6:30 - 7:30pm
T’ai Chi 7:30 - 8:45pm
St.Nicholas Church Hall
Queen Alexander Road
Sunderland SR2 7QY
SR2 7QY Map
Ryhope T’ai Chi Wednesday mornings 9:30 to 11am
Ryhope Community Association, Black Road, Sunderland SR2 0RX
Boldon T’ai Chi
Thursday mornings 10 to 11am
Boldon Community Centre
New Road, Boldon Colliery
NE35 9DS
Phone Susan: 0191 551 8802 Mobile 0798 183 2409

Susan Bird receiving her Tai Chi Area Coach Award September 2021- 5th Tengchi
Profile for Susan Bird:
Susan has over 30 years experience practicing The Lee Style of Tai Chi and Feng Shou and is one of The East West Taoist Associations Chief Instructor Howard Gibbon’s longest serving students. Now a Regional Coach for Cleveland and Scotland Susan continues to train with Howard at his monthly courses as well as the annual Spring, Summer & Autumn Courses held in Holme On Spalding Moor, East Yorkshire. Susan runs weekly classes, holds regular gradings and training courses locally to help pass on this beautiful art to students and instructors in the area.
Susan Bird’s grades are: 5th Tengchi in T’ai Chi - 4th Tengchi in Feng Shou (Kung Fu)
Area Coach for EWTA. North East of England
Who can practice it?
We welcome anyone who is interested in learning our arts to come along no matter what level of fitness. Just join in and you will soon feel the benefits. Our arts are truly amazing.
What do l need?
All that is required is an open mind and a willingness to learn, oh and a smile… hopefully you are going to enjoy yourself! To start training, please wear light training shoes and loose fitting clothing. You can obtain training kit once you become a member of our association.
What will l learn?
The foundations of our arts, Stances, The Golden Principles. Tai Chi Form, Tai Chi Dance, Sticky hands, Kai men (Taoist Yoga) Chi work. Dao Yin (breathing exercises), Whirling hands/arms. All these elements will help you to improve happiness and health. There are also opportunities to practice with weapons, grade and enhance training on day courses both locally and nationwide.
Can I come to a Feng Shou Class if I have never done any self-defence before?
Yes. In a Feng Shou class you will learn many different techniques that develop your self-defence skills. Feng Shou will increase fitness levels, enhance health thereby boosting self-esteem and confidence. One of the most important differences in our style to those that rely on brute strength, is that we teach the development and utilisation of Chi or intrinsic energy developing beyond the brawn. Therefore no matter what your experience, whether you are young or old, male or female, you can with practice develop your skills in this wondrous art of self-defence.
For details of local training courses please email Susan at
Please call your instructor Susan for any more information about this wondrous art on : 07981832409 or 0191 5518802