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Tai Chi Form No Hands Feet Only

Improve your balance in the Tai Chi Form with this exercise

No Hands Feet Only

Tai Chi Breathing

As a beginner how should I breathe when my practising Tai Chi form?

Chee Soo’s class demonstrating Chi Shu art

Master Chee Soo on TV showing his London class demonstrating Chi Shu. 

Chee Soo was hired as fight choreographer for original series of the Avengers.

Chee Soo, Diana Rigg and Film Stunt arranger Ray Austin worked together on "The Avengers" cult TV series

Chee Soo had over 2000 students studying Wu Shu in Britain as part of the British Wu Shu Association, and was one of only three men outside of Beijing qualified to teach Wu Shu.

Tai Chi for beginners

I Thought this may be helpful for our newer members.

A reminder of your first few lessons in lee Style Tai Chi form.

Should I go to Tai Chi class if I am tired?

Watch the video to see Howard's thoughts.

Tai Chi A Good Slapping From Chee Soo

An amusing story of Howard training with Chee Soo in our exercise of whirling arms at a course held at Carnegie college Leeds in 1980s

What is Chee Soo’s Shou Pay Fah?

What is Chee Soo's Shou Pay Fah in the art of Feng Shou Kung Fu?

Watch this short video to get an overview.

If you would like to learn this fancinating art, a training DVD or subscription to our online membership is available from our shop. Take a look to learn more. Shop