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Tai Chi Courses for 2024

Instructor Master Howard Gibbon

Sat 6th July Holme On Spalding Moor 10am to 4pm Tai Chi

Summer Course

Monday 5th to Friday 9th August

Please Note New Venue: Bubwith Leisure Centre - Map

What3 words: https///fussy.cats.changing

With grading for eligible students  For More Details & Booking Information Click here


Fri 6th Sep Holme On Spalding Moor 10am to 4pm Feng Shou

Sat 7th Sep Holme On Spalding Moor 10am to 4pm Tai Chi


Sat 5th October Holme On Spalding Moor 10am to 4pm Tai Chi


Fri 1st Nov Holme On Spalding Moor 10am to 4pm Feng Shou

Sat 2nd Nov Holme On Spalding Moor 10am to 4pm Tai Chi

Sat 7th December Holme On Spalding Moor 10am to 4pm Tai Chi/Dao Yin/Kai Men/Meditation


The Village Hall Holme On Spalding Moor, East Yorkshire. Map

What3words Locationhttps://w3w.co/croutons.usages.trickster

Howard’s Holme On Spalding Moor Day Course Fee £60

Places to stay nearby

https://yeolderedlion.uk/accommodation/ Tel: 01430 860220 a five minute walk from the training hall.  The pub serves freshly cooked food. 11 of us had a meal there together last year, the food was very good and the company wonderful. The Red Lion also now has 3 new glamping pods here is the link: http://www.yeolderedlion.uk/glamping-pods

Pocklington is also a lovely place about 20 minutes drive away. A google search would be best here as there are many others but this has accomodation and serves food: The Feathers 56 Market Pl, Pocklington, York YO42 2AHPhone01759 303155

Also nearby is the https://www.yorkway-motel.co.uk Tel: 01759 361791 only 12 minutes from the hall by car. Two students stopped there last year and reported that it was excellent.

A Travelodge at South Cave is 15 minutes drive from the hall: Sat nav postcode HU15 1 SA Tel: 08719 846147.

Course attendees comments

I received these emails after a recent course. It's feedback like this that keeps me motivated to pass on my knowledge of our wonderful arts to as many people as possible. I hope to see you attending one sometime.

Hello Howard, Thank you so much for such an enlightening, uplifting and inspirational training experience. I found it exhilarating!
Thanks also go to other course members for their support, guidance and warm welcome. See you all next year for sure, if not before.
Warm wishes Bernie Carney - Cumbria


Hi Howard, Just thought that I would drop you a quick email to say how much I enjoyed my time at this year’s Summer Course. It was great to be able to train with you again after our enforced ‘2 year lockdown’ due the  Covid Pandemic. It was also really great to see all of my old T’ai Chi friends at the course, particularly as I haven’t seen any of them since the Summer Course back in 2019  and to meet some new ones. As you know it’s a ‘fair trek ‘ down from Scotland to Holme on Spalding Moor, but it was more than worth it. Please pass on my regards to everyone who attended, who helped make the course well worth the effort, and for the time to just ‘fly by’.
Hopefully, I will be seeing you all next year. Thanks again for a really great Summer Course.
Best Regards Jim Anderson - Edinburgh


Hi Howard, Thanks for another good week and all the training. Everyone worked so
well together it was great to see. I've got lots of tips & improvements
to work on.

Best Wishes Pat - Horbury


Dear Howard, Thank you very much for letting me join you all for the last day of the Summer course. I thoroughly enjoyed an informative and useful day with a friendly group of people.
Thank you very much.

Best Wishes, Robin - Horbury


Hi Howard, Just to let you know, I was very overwhelmed by the course (in a good way). I learnt so much, especially about myself and the journey I am on with my searching for this beautiful art. I have come home still overwhelmed and very reflective. I will certainly be coming to some more workshops soon after September. Thank you so much for the warm welcome and the hospitality (especially the jasmine tea). I am feeling very humbled. I look forward to some more training.

Thank you 

Warm regards River - Devon


Hi Howard, Totally enjoyed the last two days Feng Shou and Tai Chi. Although I will always willI consider myself a total beginner it’s great to mix with all the other students there whatever their levels and  abilities. You have some wonderful students that you have nurtured over the years. Sometimes I just like to watch but it is always a learning experience for me. I always come away with new insights.

On a personal level I love the way you interact with my brother (insightful for me because he passes it on to me and all those he teaches). You teach all of your pupils either new or old in such a considerate way. 

I suppose what I am trying to say is that I enjoy learning but with a bit of fun and mischievous attached. I have watched you with the senior students. There is a gentle playfulness there that I enjoy and I think they do too. All I look for is to be better. I acknowledge this is a slow process I never want to be 100% perfect because that means there is no room to learn. A sad position from my point of view. To me learning is everything when I come to classes. It maybe a slight adjustment here or there but all significant.

Such a pleasure to attend your courses as always.
Kindest Regards Paul - Rotherham


Good evening Howard,  I just wanted to say thank you for a wonderful course last week, it was a genuine privilege to see and learn from you. I am so very fortunate to have a fantastic teacher of the Taoist Arts in Susan Bird, who provides such a holistic teaching experience to her students. To have the opportunity to further my learning and to have the chance to learn with and from such a wonderful group of people was such a great and rewarding experience. I was so pleased to achieve my next grading.

As I mentioned briefly on Saturday I work for the NHS as an Ambulance Paramedic and I find the Taoist Arts so beneficial in many aspects of my life including physical, spiritual and mental health. I continue to find and explore new avenues of how the arts enhance and compliment life. I have found the arts helped significantly my recovery from Covid 19 and from musculoskeletal complaints, they help with general overall health and wellbeing, a greater appreciation and understanding of the balance in the natural world around us. Currently the amount of pressure we face at work is significant with the arts helping to provide balance and support to both physical and mental health. Learning the Feng Shou aspects of the arts provides a great opportunity to better protect myself, colleagues and patients from people who, sadly, can present aggressively. Thank you to you and to Susan and all of the other members who continue to provide a fantastically inclusive, welcoming and supportive learning environment.

Regards Craig - Sunderland